"Littered with feel-my-arty-pain- titled chapters (for example, Getting Laid By Concrete Boys and The Telephone Call With an STD) and written in surprisingly credible teen vernacular, it is lauded as one of those books you just can't put down. JaneInside is a disconcerting and caustically honest read. Check it out!"

The book struck a personal chord with me. Consequently, I couldn't put the book down and read it in one sitting! I suspect I am much the same age as you (I've just turned 34) and I identified with many of your experiences. At times whilst reading Jane Inside, I wondered whether we may have shared the same group of friends! I wish the wisdom that we hold now was available to us during those crucial teenage years. Although, I guess we are all where we are now because we have learnt from our mistakes, our successes and from life itself. I am now a parent of two children and your book has reminded me of what will be so critically important to them as teenagers that may have otherwise appeared insignificant to me as an adult, now so far removed from my teenage experiences. I am so very grateful to Jane Inside for bringing this to my attention and it has also prompted me to dig out my own diaries, which I wrote religiously throughout those delicate (and sometimes dark) years.

“I brought your book yesterday, and read it in a few hours. I couldn't put it down!! ...Keep going with everything, there’s' a bit of you in all of us xx kindest thoughts”

Tearaway Magazine

Tracey McLaughlin, Family Planning Association, HR Advisor

Allison Carl