"JaneInside is one of the best books I have ever read. From the moment I started reading it, I just couldn't put it dow... JaneInside touched something inside of me and helped me remember to be true to myself. ...If I had read this book as a teenager, I really think it would have helped me at the time to feel a little more 'normal' or like I was not alone. Reading it has inspired me to encourage others to discover JaneInside and spread the word."

"JaneInside is a frank and honest account of Jane's teenage years, transferred through personal diary entries and poetry. It illustrates to teenagers that they are not alone in their feelings and emotions and that help is available should they feel that their lives are getting out of control. JaneInside will provide the strength to many teenagers to reach out for that help."

"JaneInside is a reminder of what is real and significant in the life of a teenager and it certainly gives greater understanding, respect and empathy towards teenagers."

"Some of the themes are pretty universal and not limited to teenagers. It is honest, raw and real and that is where a lot of it is power comes from...it is a book which will tell readers they aren't alone in their challenges and disappointments, and there is hope."
Nicole Thomas, Editor, Girlfriend Magazine

NZ Family Planning Association

Waikato Times